Writing Your Content Rich Articles + Pre - Selling Articles

Writing Your Con t e nt Ri ch
Ar ti cle s + Pre- Selling Articles

this part of the process will define whether your
site is successful or not in terms of ranking in the search engines, and
also whether or not visitors will be persuaded to buy the product or
First of all, I would like to recommend that if you have enough
money, you outsource the first few articles (not the pre selling one
unless you are confident they can do a great job) as it will make
things a whole lot easier – especially if you are not familiar with
article writing.
This stage CAN be pretty boring but it is an essential part, and
once it’s done you won’t need to do anything else to the site again.

T h e S t ru c tu re o f t h e A r ticle

Here is the order in which the articles should be posted to your


article – 400-600 word article concentrating on SEO and
keywords throughout the article.


article – Short 100 word article with a YouTube video included
about the
niche your product is in.


article – 300-400 word article again, with SEO and keywords in


article – 400-500 word article with slight promotions of the
product, with an affiliate link included.


article – 300-800 word GOLDEN article which presells the user.
This process is extremely important, and you can’t miss out any
articles or skip any. With all the recent Google updates, you need to
make your articles top quality.
As you may have noticed, the

article is the golden and most
important article. This is because this is the article potential buyers
will be reading when they visit your website. In this article you would
be persuading the visitor to click your (cloaked) affiliate link, and
then buy the product.
