A project manager has a range of project management tools available to assist with the
planning and control of individual systems projects.

These tools are designed to improve
the effectiveness of the project management process.

The project management tools available include:

• Work breakdown structure
• Critical path analysis
• Gantt chart
• Resource histogram
• Budget.

Work breakdown structure is a tool or method used for breaking down work into manageable
units , and then allocating those units to members of the project team .

The basic idea of creating a (WBS) is to take the work involved in the project and
break it down into smaller and smaller parts, until the project consists of series of work
packages .

These can then be put into the project plan as activities.

Having completed the
WBS , it will be possible to construct a project network.

Critical path Analysis (CPA) or Network Analysis:
This is a diagram showing the various activities in a project.

The aim of the CPA is to
identify how those activities link together and to show the critical path or the sequence of
activities where delay will result in the overall project.

Understanding Critical Tasks:

A critical task is one that, if delayed, would also cause the
completion of the project to be delayed. Critical tasks are said to be on the critical path. Changes
to tasks not on the critical path will not have an effect on the completion
date of the project.

Microsoft Project you can quickly identify the critical path, so you can focus on the tasks that
require the closest management.

Knowing tasks are critical also helps you assess priories,
effectively assign resources, and determine the effect of changes on the project.

The Critical Path Method (CPM) is a standard Project management technique for determining
which tasks are critical. Based on a mathematical model that takes into account the relationships between tasks, their duration, and any constraints regarding the availability of resources,

CPM is
also used to critical path in a large or complicated project was a significant challenge for the
project manager.

Today, Microsoft Project brings the proven power of CPM to your project
planning being delayed.

Gantt Chart:

A Gantt chart , named after the inventor , shows the activities of a project ,
the same as CPA.

However, these activities are presented as a bar chart with the same start
and finishing time clearly identified .

Resource Histogram:

This is a stacked bar chart showing the number and mix of staff
required over the duration of a project.
Budget :

The project budget shows for each month of the project, the proposed expenditure

. This will be updated as the project progresses with the actual expenditure and the
reason for any variances.

Note:- Almost all of these tools can be in some form of computer software, for example, a
budget or Gantt chart can be presented on a spreadsheet. Also, Project management software
package can produce CPA and Gantt charts from data entered into the software.

linked to
each other in the project.


1 Creating a project by entering Tasks in the Gantt Chart

A task is an individual step that must be completed to complete the project.

2 Outlining tasks: Outlining gives the project a hierarchical detail or “subordinate”
tasks fit within the broader groupings or “summary tasks”. It can be used for creating summaries,
reports, and work breakdown structure ( (W.B.S).

3. Assigning task relationship by linking tasks in a project by drawing a line
connecting tasks in the default Gantt Chart view. .

4. Entering resources and assigning them to task in the task entry view .

5. Checking resources usage in the resource pool, as way to manage resources .

6. Resolving resources over allocation ,as way for managing resources.

7. Producing a report: It is possible to carry out the following activities under this heading:
change text format, change Gantt Charts, change field displayed in PERT
nodes , and print views and reports.

8. Create a template that contains only the features you want in a project file.

9. Work with the critical path and identify critical tasks.

10. Display project information in the new calendar view.

11. Create recurring tasks that are placed at regular intervals in a schedule.

12. Use new filtering options and apply filters with a button.

13. Use the tracking toolbar to get quick access to the commands you need when
updating the project
