How to Generate Traffic to Your Blog

How to Generate Traffic to Your Blog

One important factor to having a successful and profitable blog would have to be generating consistent
and targeted traffic.
This means getting people to actually see, visit and engage in your blog. Without
an active audience, your blog will just become stagnant and your chances for making money will
slowly disintegrate.

There are many proven ways to generate traffic to your blog. Here are some things you can do to
instantly gain traffic.

1) Article Marketing
Writing articles for authority article directories and linking back to your site can help increase exposure
for your blog. It can also help to establish your credibility and reputation as a writer or expert in a
specific market, niche or topic. If the information you provide is helpful, interesting and relevant then
people who read your articles are more inclined to visit your site. You can work exclusively with one
directory or diversify your efforts and submit your articles to a couple. Below are some well-known
article directories that many people have used to generate traffic for their blogs and other websites.
<> eHow
<> Squidoo
<> Ezine Articles
<> Hubpages
<> Examiner
<> Seeking Alpha
<> Technorati
<> Article Base
<> Buzzle
<> GoArticles
<> Article99
<> ArticleDashBoard
<> Valuable Content

2) Guest Posting
If you’re comfortable enough to start writing on other people’s blog then guest posting is another way
you can expand your audience reach. This is especially effective when you guest post for blogs that get
pretty good traffic, have a ton of subscribers and consists of numerous back links and if the blog is relevant to your own blog’s subject matter.

3) Q & A Sites
People are constantly browsing the web, asking questions, and seeking answers. If you know a thing or
two about anything at all then consider answering people’s questions on various Q&A websites. The
more questions you answer, the more of an expert status you’ll have. This will not only build up your
credibility, but it’ll also incline those whose questions you’ve answered to come and check out more of
your references, including your blog. Check out some of these popular Q&A sites that you can start
answering questions on.

<> Yahoo Answers
<> Quora
<> Stack Exchange
<> Formspring
<> AOL Answers
<> Web Answers
<> All Experts
<> Fluther
<> Fixya
<> Askville
<> Mahalo Answers

4) Social Media
Social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are great for getting tons of traffic to
your blog. When it comes to using resources like these to generate traffic, it’s all about building
relationships, expanding your network, and always providing new, up to date and interesting content
your friends, followers and subscribers will be excited to check out. Frequently create new content and
then post a link back to your blog on your status updates, message boards, tweets, and the like. And if
you provide something absolutely too good not too share then you can count on other people to
promote and spread the word about your blog. This is how things can go viral and exposure can
increase to exponentials amounts. Other social media sites include:

<> Pinterest
<> MySpace
<> Google Plus+
<> DeviantArt
<> LiveJournal
<> Tagged
<> Orkut
<> CafeMom
<> Ning
<> Meetup
<> myLife
<> Multiply

5) Forums
Find heavily populated forums that revolve around your niche or market and become a part of those
forums. You never want to go into discussions and threads with a promotional attitude and bombard
everyone with links that lead back to your sites and offers. Doing so can get you banned from many
forums. It’s all about making highly informative and valuable contributions to the community. Share
tips, answers questions, give insight on subjects you’re familiar with, or shed light and provide
powerful arguments on debatable issues. Once you’ve joined a forum, the first thing you want to do is
creating a signature that’s eye catching, interesting, informative, and includes a link back to your blog.
Some forums don’t allow links in signatures so make sure you join one that does allow it. If people like
what you’re contributing to the discussions then they’ll want to know more about you by clicking on
your profile as well as the link in your signature.

6) Blog Commenting
This can be a tedious and very time consuming task, but it’s still a great way to generate traffic to your
blog. Visit other blogs and leave comments in the comment sections with a link back to your site.
Bloggers and sometimes even their visitors will be curious to visit your blog if you leave a comment
that’s funny, informative or thought provoking that’s relevant to the author’s post.

7) Interviews
There will come a point when your popularity will begin to grow and other bloggers or websites will
want to interview you. This is a great opportunity for more exposure and if the people who are
coordinating the interview have websites that are high authority and get a good amount of traffic then
you can expect some, if not all, of that traffic to trickle on over to your blog as well.

8) SEO (Search Engine Optimize)
Let your content do as much traffic generation as you’re doing by applying SEO. SEO will help make
your website more visible to search engines such as Google or Yahoo. If you provide unique, quality
content then these search engines will reward you with higher page ranking. Anyone who lands on
page one or two of any search engine is sure to get a ton of traffic thrown their way with millions of
people always searching and browsing the internet for various subjects and topics; one of which could
lead them straight to your blog.
