Querying Access Database

Querying Access database

Use MS Access to design Management Information System (MIS) .

package is expected to track the following categories of input data: student’ Bio data,
Local Government Area , Programme of Study, Next of Kin data , State and any
other information.


1.) Design the structure of your table in the design view of MS Access.

2.) Develop MS Access in the datasheet view of MS Access to capture
information for twenty (20) using the given details that is, use the various
data categories given above and design spreadsheet for the structure

You might use some criteria for generating useful report.

3.) Carry out some useful calculations across rows and columns of your

4.) Design two forms for the tables created handle data input and update.

5.) Design queries that will compute fees balance for all the students in the database.
Use different criteria to generate different management information.
