How to Use Glo bis on Android device

How to use Glo subscription on Android  device
You have  to install some app from Google playstore
1. Bb Imei generator
2. MTK engineering
After installing  those applications successfully 
Launch your bb  Imei generator
Example of what you will see is in d picture 1
Copy d Imei and launch your MTK engineering app
Click on MTK setting -------------- navigate to connectivity  click on radio information choose ur phone sim whether the Glo sim is in sim one click phone 1 and if it is in sim 2 click phone 2
After that you will see AT+ AND PRESS E ON YOUR KEYBOARD if you are changing Imei for sim 1 click AT+ EGMR=1,7," "
and for sim two use AT+ EGMR=1,10,"  " after successfully  adding d Imei
After that switch off your phone or reboot  it use*#06# to check whether the Imei is successfully  change
After the process navigate to your phone acces point create new change its name  to Glo bb and set your APN  to  THAT'S  ALL
if you  have any problem on this message me  on whatsapp  with 08108443706
